Security solutions


You can't be everywhere at once, but with Computer Controlled Security's video surveillance / CCTV systems you can. Whether it is for your business or home a video camera system can be your eyes when you're out.

Complete, Customized Video Surveillance Solutions:

  • CCTV Systems
  • Cameras
  • Video Monitors
  • Networking & Cabling
  • Recording & Software
  • Video Management Tools
  • Remote Web Management & Viewing
  • Design, Installation, Training, Maintenance & Support

CCS, inc. specially trained security consultants will design and locate video surveillance cameras to economically maximize coverage.

In addition to providing real time digital video recording of multiple locations, CCS, inc. video surveillance systems store video as electronic data files. Our system makes it easy to retrieve and review your video surveillance files recorded from the Digital Video Recorder (DVR) system. It also allows you to keep all of your video surveillance data files securely for up to a month in most cases or record onto a CD, memory sticks or other such media for more permanent storage.

All of our video surveillance systems are installed to minimize their aesthetic impact. This approach extends to the location of video monitors and digital video recorders (DVRs), chosen for their flexible placement options as well for ease of use.

Wide range of security products available

Home security

We custom install in your home so you can keep watch over your loved ones while you are away. The nanny cameras can be accessed through a recording device or through the Internet from any location. Feel the peace of mind of being a click away from your children, elderly, or mentally/physically disabled family members.

Having a camera alone does not ensure maximum security. The camera is only as good as what it can see. Our specialist will determine the correct number of cameras and their positions based on some of the following factors:

  • Common areas where abuse may occur
  • Size of the area in need of surveillance
  • Lighting conditions and time of day
  • Known events of reported abuse
  • Behavior of the subject being observed

Office security

Theft can occur anywhere, especially the workplace. Computer Controlled Security protects thousands of businesses, from small businesses to large corporations.Keep your employees and customers safe with reliable, high-performance CCTV security solutions.

Use Your Commercial CCTV System to:

  • Check in on staff or vendors
  • Review past activity
  • View live video
  • View your business after notification of alarm events

Who Can Benefit From Security Cameras?

Retail Shops

High quality video surveillance for your business will:

  • Deter people from stealing
  • Record any theft/suspicious activity
  • Show police or insurance company a specific event
  • Control inventory shrinkage

Medical Facilities

Security for medical facilities tend to be difficult, but with Vsecure7 we can:

  • Use IP technology to link digital cameras together
  • Prevent crime and theft
  • Keep an eye on every corner of your hospital or facility
  • Ensure the safety of your patients and staff


Warehouses are large structures with many security risks. A CCTV System will:

  • Deter intruders and vandalism
  • Limit false insurance claims
  • Alert you of suspicious activity in and around your warehouse
  • Assist in police investigations
  • Help to identify intruders


Schools are not as safe as they used to be. An integrated CCTV system can:

  • Monitor illegal activity such as buying and selling drugs
  • Record activity such as violence and bullying
  • Assist authorities in conducting investigations
  • Help provide a safe environment for teachers and students